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In an open invitation to love ourselves before anyone else, we collaborate with model, athlete and activist, Lauren Wasser (previously known as the Impossible Muse) ahead of Valentine's Day to celebrate each of our personal journeys to self-acceptance and confidence.


She spoke to Bluebella about her life, shared her gratitude list and described what love means to her in 2025.


Since experiencing Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome in 2012—causing her near death and amputation of both legs to rebuilding her strength and confidence—Wasser has been on a mission to empower and educate women, all while on her own path to self-love. She said: ‘Love Letters is about owning yourself, something I feel that I really embody. I think that's what makes us all unique and special in our own way.’

She talks of her journey of recovery after her operation: ‘I had to mourn the person that I was because that person no longer exists. It's just a different version of myself. But that's life. No one should just stay the same. We evolve as human beings and that's the beauty of life.’ She adds: ‘embrace who you are and everything that you've gone through, this is part of life’s journey which helps craft the person that you are right now…whatever you’ve gone through, that can be used as fuel and propel you into the version of yourself you're meant to be.’

She calls bullsh*t on Valentine’s Day: ‘I just think you should feel loved and celebrated by the person you're with every single day, 24/7, it should never be just one holiday, you know.’ She explains: ‘romance to me, means first and foremost loving yourself before you can love anyone else.’ She goes on to say: ‘I love that Bluebella stands for personal empowerment, that feeling of looking in the mirror and being like, wow, I look beautiful and hot in this and it's for me, not anyone else.’

Gratitude is Wasser’s superpower: ‘I shouldn't be here, I had a 1% chance of survival. The fact that I'm alive and healthy is a blessing in itself.’ She adds: ‘to just get up every day and be able to be who I am, run and hike and do all the things that I love to do. It’s the impossible that I've been able to overcome to be able to live this beautiful life.’

discover our past valentine's campaigns

We kicked off 2024 with our Valentine's campaign starring fashion icon, supermodel and twelve-time Vogue cover star Marie Helvin for a celebration of self-love and individuality.

For Valentine’s Day 2023, we joined forces with the chief feminist rulebreaker of the British music scene: the incomparable Self Esteem. This boldly empowering campaign is an unapologetic celebration of pure femininity, body positivity, and – most importantly – pleasure.

In an open invitation to love ourselves before anyone else, we collaborate with model, athlete and activist, Lauren Wasser (previously known as the Impossible Muse) ahead of Valentine's Day to celebrate each of our personal journeys to self-acceptance and confidence.


She spoke to Bluebella about her life, shared her gratitude list and described what love means to her in 2025.

Since experiencing Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome in 2012—causing her near death and amputation of both legs to rebuilding her strength and confidence—Wasser has been on a mission to empower and educate women, all while on her own path to self-love. She said: ‘Love Letters is about owning yourself, something I feel that I really embody. I think that's what makes us all unique and special in our own way.’

She talks of her journey of recovery after her operation: ‘I had to mourn the person that I was because that person no longer exists. It's just a different version of myself. But that's life. No one should just stay the same. We evolve as human beings and that's the beauty of life.’ She adds: ‘embrace who you are and everything that you've gone through, this is part of life’s journey which helps craft the person that you are right now…whatever you’ve gone through, that can be used as fuel and propel you into the version of yourself you're meant to be.’

She calls bullsh*t on Valentine’s Day: ‘I just think you should feel loved and celebrated by the person you're with every single day, 24/7, it should never be just one holiday, you know.’ She explains: ‘romance to me, means first and foremost loving yourself before you can love anyone else.’ She goes on to say: ‘I love that Bluebella stands for personal empowerment, that feeling of looking in the mirror and being like, wow, I look beautiful and hot in this and it's for me, not anyone else.’

Gratitude is Wasser’s superpower: ‘I shouldn't be here, I had a 1% chance of survival. The fact that I'm alive and healthy is a blessing in itself.’ She adds: ‘to just get up every day and be able to be who I am, run and hike and do all the things that I love to do. It’s the impossible that I've been able to overcome to be able to live this beautiful life.’

discover our past valentine's campaigns

We kicked off 2024 with our Valentine's campaign starring fashion icon, supermodel and twelve-time Vogue cover star Marie Helvin for a celebration of self-love and individuality.

For Valentine’s Day 2023, we joined forces with the chief feminist rulebreaker of the British music scene: the incomparable Self Esteem. This boldly empowering campaign is an unapologetic celebration of pure femininity, body positivity, and – most importantly – pleasure.